Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mike's Meeting Mexi-Bake

I work from home on Thursdays. We also have our "Team Meeting" on Thursdays, so I always call into it. My boss' boss, Mike, often joins our meeting always speaks for about 30 minutes about topics that are directly affecting our team.

So, being the multi-tasker that I am, I decided to cook lunch during Mike's Meeting.

Hmmm...we have turkey meat, what's on the spinner...hmmm...

Threw some stuff together and out came a delicious lunch I like to call "Mike's Meeting Mexi-Bake"!

1) Brown turkey meat in a pan
2) While it's browning, add some garlic powder and some red pepper spices. I didn't measure.
3) When meat is brown, add in a can of Mexican flavored diced tomatoes.
4) Let that cook for just a bit, stir it around some to get it mixed up.
5) Spray a glass 8x8 pan with some cooking spray
6) Layer bottom of pan with a few corn tortillas.
7) Dump meat/tomato mixture onto tortillas
8) Cover with cheese. I just used shredded cheddar.
9) Cut a couple more corn tortillas into strips or smaller pieces and place these on top of the mixture
10) Bake at 350 for a bit until it looks like the tortilla strips are kinda crispier and the cheese is melted. Probably around 8 minutes. I read Henry a book.

Pull it out and ENJOY! We ate it with a side of Mexican rice. Drool.

We all loved it, even Henry! This is a keeper in our household. Easy peasy and yummy. And with the turkey, corn tortillas and reduced fat cheese, this is a fairly healthy meal!

We thought it would also be good to try to smother the corn tortillas on the bottom of the pan with some refried beans, then put the meat mixture on top.

Joe added Tabasco to his last few bites and approved.

If you like sour cream, that would be a good addition. We aren't big fans around here.

Or, if you want some crunch and aren't as concerned with fat/health, crunch up some tortialla chips or Fritos for the top! YUM!

Sorry, no pic. But trust me, it was good. And completely done in less than 30 minutes. And you can do it half distracted during a meeting. Score.

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